Logo FAATNA20>22

Functional Analysis, Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis

Matera, Italy, July 5-8, 2022

Session: Orthogonal Polynomials, Interpolation and Numerical Integration

Orthogonal Polynomials and Interpolation are in the hard core of Approximation Theory, which is the basis for the development of numerical methods used in the solution of applied problems, such as the approximate calculation of (definite) integrals. The session will connect the background theory, Orthogonal Polynomials and Interpolation, with the practical application, Numerical Integration.


  • Sotiris Notaris, notaris@math.uoa.gr
  • Miodrag Spalević, mspalevic@mas.bg.ac.rs
  • Marija Stanić, stanicm@kg.ac.rs


  1. D. Chicoń, Christoffel-Darboux formula for orthogonal polynomials in several real variables
  2. E. Denich, Gaussian rule for integrals involving Bessel functions
  3. E. Djukić, Internality of averaged Gaussian quadrature rules for modified Jacobi measures
  4. G. Elefante, An iterative approach for a trigonometric Hermite interpolant
  5. E. Jandrlić, Error Estimates for Certain Quadrature Formulae
  6. D. Micláus, Some new results concerning the classical Bernstein cubature formula
  7. R.M. Mutavdzic Djukic, Weighted averaged Gaussian quadrature rules for modified Chebyshev measure
  8. S.E. Notaris, Anti-Gaussian quadrature formulae of Chebyshev type
  9. A. Pejcev, On the Gauss-Kronrod quadrature formula for a modified weight function of Chebyshev type
  10. J.-C. Santos-Léon, Spectral factorization of Laurent polynomials by means of quadrature formulas on the unit circle
  11. M.P. Stanić, Optimal sets of quadrature rules in the Borges' sense for trigonometric polynomials
  12. J. Tomanović, Incorporating the external zeros of the integrand into certain quadrature rules