Project Title: COoperative Mobile Manipulators for Manufacturing (COM3)
Research call: PRIN 2022 (D.D. n.104 del 02.02.2022)
Main ERC field: PE - Physical Sciences and Engineering (PE7)
Project funded by: Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) - Research Program of National Interest (PRIN) 2022
Project number: 2022ZLYBF5
Programmed duration: 24 months (2022-2024)
Start Date of Activities: 28 September 2023
Expected Completion Date of Activities: 28 September 2025
Scientific coordinator: Fabrizio Caccavale
Units Involved:

CUP generated by MUR: C53D23000540006
Total Costs: € 277,069
Total MUR Funding: € 199,851
MUR Contribution to the University of Basilicata: € 99,488
MUR Contribution to the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio: € 100,363
Motivation, challenges and objectives of the project:
Cooperative robotics can be identified as a key technology to support agile manufacturing and the Industry 4.0 paradigm. In order to fully exploit the potential of cooperative robotics in the domain of advanced production systems, especially in terms of agility and adaptability, further steps forward in robot-robot cooperation are needed. Namely: The above mentioned advances can be achieved by addressing several challenges in the following research areas:
In the framework of the COM3 project, the above identified research challenges will be tackled by addressing the following research 3 objectives: An additional objective is to implement a suitable dissemination and communication strategy.

Conference Papers         
Journal Papers