"Flagship development cases for future sustainable and intelligent cities."

Journal of "European Planning Studies"
Taylor & Francis; IF 1,863.
The overconcentration of population in cities led to the development of novel approaches in tackling problems that require effective solutions. The development of ‘smart’ decision-making approaches and the availability of digital data led to a new era where informed decision-making can approach problems in a more sustainable and advanced way. The proposed Special issue on “Flagship development cases for future sustainable and intelligent cities.” aims at describing and discussing a number of case studies and looks at collecting scientific papers for the wider interdisciplinary research communities engaged on planning future city.
We expect to collect papers in an interdisciplinary framework of applied processes of urban and regional development in Europe connected by an extensive use of smart technological tools as driving factor in stimulating urban and regional system dynamics. We encourage critical assessment of such practices in order to highlight the uniqueness of places and cities in development processes compared with generalized approaches oriented to over-consider urban technologies, sensors, networks etc. as global model, usually called “smart”, working independently by places unique features and letting suspicious of Surveillance systems indented as new markets of behavioural prediction and modification (cfr. Shoshana Zuboff, 2015 ).
Such practices link academic research and policy debate, providing on-field examples of transitions toward city development models based on local feasibility assumptions and conditions.
Main topics include: Urban Transformation Areas Under Disaster Risk, Integrating Heritage and Sustainability into a Coastal Strategy, Participation Process in urban renovation and sustainable cities, Medium Island Cities: New Investments and potentials, Ranking intelligent and sustainable cities as well as Social oriented urban policies reinforcing inclusive urban development.
Deadline for submissions: 30 September 2019