Nowadays, more and more real benefits and changes related with Big Events are under investigation in a framework of downsizing ex-ante expectations, especially when they generate externalities (in terms of advances but also impact) on cities, territories and citizens’ communities. ECoC represents an urban Big Event with direct implication for a wide surrounding region included in a complex process of cultural promotion.
It is hard to value the repercussions of the ECoC process in the city starting from the effects of cultural policies for urban spaces, for tangible/intangible heritage, for economies and for improvements on the quality of life of inhabitants. There are no standard models of analysis available because each case is unique. There is little scientifically established literature on evaluation and control of ECoC results in the short, medium and long term.
Every city has its own specific conditions, but bringing together the different ECOC experiences and evaluation approaches, will yield more insight. In this perspective the ambition of the conference is to establish visioning debate on the key concepts of ECoC strategy: sharing richness and diversity of European cultures fostering European citizens' sense of belonging to a common cultural area.
The main focus of the conference is to connect the critical assessment of cultural values with structural characteristics of the place where such values are settled.
Key concepts will be marked by scientific debate:
Consequently, we will discuss strategies for the future, based on common roots and articulated on an interdisciplinary framework where a.o. social sciences, performing arts, and anthropology positively interact with environmental science, engineering and territorial sciences. Mixing soft and hard approaches in order to produce open and transferable advances to reinforce the ECoC process towards more inclusive, equitable and sustainable outcomes.
Challenging boxes to fill in with interdisciplinary arguments:
Call for Papers opens 15 June 2019
Call for Papers (including Paper, Poster or Oral presentation) closes* 30 September 2019
Notification of acceptance 15 October 2019
Registration opens 20 June 2019
Submission of conference documents** 15 October 2019
Registration closes 15 November 2019
ECoC Matera 2019 Conference 28, 29 November 2019
*Call for papers may be extended or a second call may be issued at the discretion of UNEeCC and the University of Basilicata
**Full papers, posters and presentations as applicable
The conference will take place over two days, Thursday 28 and Friday 29 November 2019, in Matera and Potenza at the University of Basilicata Campus.
The conference will include plenary sessions, various networking sessions and parallel sessions.
The range of papers may cover theoretical and methodological perspectives and practical examples relevant for the themes listed above. Interdisciplinary and ECoC policy implications are relevant criteria for the selection of the works by the Scientific Committee.
Interested applicants are requested to submit a one-page abstract via the conference website submission tools by not later than 15 July 2019.
A 15-minute (+5 minutes of discussion) slot will be allotted to each selected presenter, followed by a discussion session with participants.
Conference Fees
(including lunch and coffee breaks, and participation in cultural and social events)
Participants/Presenters from UNeECC member institutions: EUR 120.00
Participants/Presenters from other institutions: EUR 160.00
PHD students from UNeECC member institutions: free
PHD students from other universities: free
Accompanying persons: EUR 80.00
The only accepted payment method is the WIRE TRANSFER (no cash or credit/debit cards will be accepted even at the registration desk). Participants has pay to the following bank account:
NAME OF THE BANK: Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Fiscal ID: IT 96003410766
IBAN: IT37P0103004200000001343277
Please specify in the MEMO LINE the following: "UNEECC2019 <Name> <Surname>"
Please send your payment as soon as possible and forward the payment justification to the conference mail account in order to facilitate the management issues:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
At the registration desk each participant will receive an official "receipt" (not invoice) for the registration fee.
6 free of charge accommodations in double/triple room with B&B service will be provided by the organizing committee to encourage young researchers’ participation in the conference.Candidates have to apply for free accommodation in the process of Paper, Poster or Oral presentation submission form. The organizing committee will send a positive or negative response.
A list of hotels with special rate and pre-reserved rooms will be published on the conference website. Participants will reserve their accommodation accordingly. All participants will be required to register for the conference through the website not later than 10 November 2019
The conference will be accompanied by organized visits to Matera sites. Registered participants/presenters will be invited for the Social Dinner on 28 November 2019 (venue will be announced during the conference). Eventual additional costs for the participation in parallel events, exhibitions or any other cultural and social happening will be announced on the conference website.
download tourist information about Matera and Potenza at the following link: infoGUIDE
Travel info:
the best international connection to Matera is BARI Airport. You can find information about connections Bari Airpot to Matera City in the following file: travel info
Suggested Hotel and Accommodation: follow this link for specific offers, contacts and details
Aurelia Sole, Rector of University of Basilicata
Nicola Cavallo
Francesco Sdao
Mariavaleria Mininni
Francesco Scorza
Rosanna Piro
Prof Bill Chambers This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dr Glen Farrugia This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Prof. Dr. Komlósi László Imre" This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Prof Ovidiu MATIU This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Prof. Mariavaleria Mininni This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dott. Francesco Scorza This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
download the official program HERE
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