INNOVAGRO Networking Workshop

The LISUT research group will organize the final Networking Workshop of INNOVAGRO Project next 26th Feb. 2020 in Matera.

The agenda includes selected speakers and presentations suggested by the Project Partner and several research projects based at DICEM Department of UNIBAS.

INNOVAGRO Networking Workshop


Workshop Chair: Prof. Piergiuseppe Pontrandolfi, UNIBAS

Introduction and welcome: Prof. Ferdinando Mirizzi, Director DICEM Department

"Sustainable agricultural practices and strategies for adapting agriculture to climate change" - LIFE AGROCLIMAWATER, PSR 2014-2020 Sottomisura 16.1

Prof. Bartolomeo Dichio, Dr. Alba N. Mininni - DICEM, UNIBAS

Ref. INNOVAGRO Partner: UNIBAS (Italy)

“Application of removable solar panels in agricultural production”

Vlado Kovacevic Ph.D., researcher at the Institute for agricultural economics Belgrade

Ref. INNOVAGRO Partner: CCIS (Serbia)

“Innovative AgroFood practices of Municipality of Ajdovscina”

Irena Stokelj, Municipality of Ajdovscina

Ref. INNOVAGRO Partner: E-zavod (Slovenia)

“A WEB-GIS Application for Wine Growers”

Consorzio Qui Vulture

Prof. Vitale Nuzzo - DICEM, UNIBAS; Dr. Francesco Izzi, Dr. Maria Lanfredi CNR IMAA

Ref. INNOVAGRO Partner: UNIBAS (Italy)

“Smart system for remote automation and management of irrigation”

Dr. Francesco Izzi, Laboratorio geoSDI CNR IMAA

Ref. INNOVAGRO Partner: UNIBAS (Italy)

“Short notes on truffle cultivation in Basilicata”

Prof. Gianluigi Rana, Dipartimento di Biologia, Difesa e Biotecnologie Agro-forestali - UNIBAS

Ref. INNOVAGRO Partner: Province of Potenza (Italy)