Logo FAATNA20>22

Functional Analysis, Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis

Matera, Italy, July 5-8, 2022

Session: Multivariate Polynomials in Approximation and Signal Analysis

The main goal of the session is to provide a platform for discussion of new developments and recent advances in the areas of approximation and interpolation of functions of several variables, extremal properties of multivariate polynomials and signal analysis.


  • Frank Filbir, filbir@helmholtz-muenchen.de
  • András Kroó, kroo@renyi.hu
  • Woula Themistoclakis, woula.themistoclakis@cnr.it


  1. T. Beberok, Lp Markov exponent of certain UPC sets
  2. L. Bialas-Ciez, Lojasiewicz exponent and pluricomplex Green's function on algebraic sets
  3. V. Bruni, Efficient time-frequency representations of nonstationary signals for instantaneous frequencies estimation
  4. R. Campagna, An algorithm for constrained regression by penalized splines
  5. M. Cotronei, Bernstein polynomials and subdivision schemes for the reconstruction of binary images
  6. S. De Marchi, Multivariate fakes nodes approach
  7. F. Filbir, Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequalities for scattered and random data on the d-dimensional unit sphere
  8. A.P. Horváth, Heat-diffusion semigroup and other translations
  9. A. Kowalska, Polynomial meshes on algebraic hypersurfaces
  10. A. Kroó, On Bernstein- and Marcinkiewicz-type inequalities on multivariate C^alpha-domains
  11. A.L. Laguardia, Numerical methods for 2D linear Fredholm integral equations on curvilinear polygons
  12. R. O'Dowd, Direct method for function approximation on data defined manifolds, II
  13. A. Veselovska, Prony-Type Polynomials