Avviso seminario: New possible uses of Arbutus unedo fruit

Mercoledi 04/05/2022 ore 09:30-11:30 in Aula A2 SAFE, nell’ambito del Corso di Laurea in Tecnologie Alimentari durante il Corso di “Colture erbacee ed arboree: modulo Agronomia e Coltivazioni Erbacee” della prof.ssa Mariana Amato, il prof. Carlos Manuel Marques Ribeiro dell’Instituto Politécnico de Beja (Laboratórios de Ensino e Investigação de Indústrias Alimentares), Portogallo, terrà un seminario dal titolo:  New possible uses of Arbutus unedo fruit

Di seguito l’abstract del seminario:

The strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) is a characteristic plant of the Mediterranean basin. It grows spontaneously in several regions of Portugal. It produces a fruit, the arbutus berry, whose most important use is the production of a kind of brandy. But a large part of the fruit is not used. For this reason, there is currently an interest in its valorization. Thus, other possible commercial uses of this fruit have been studied: fresh, dehydrated, in jams. It was found that, despite its high perishability, it is possible to keep it for several weeks at chilling temperatures, as well as presenting good characteristics for lyophilization and the manufacture of jams and jellies. These may be new possibilities for valuing an endogenous natural resource of some regions of Portugal.