Formulario di petitioni, responsioni e repplicationi per Astorre II Manfredi, signore di Faenza: critical and digital edition based on the ms. Bologna, Biblioteca Universitaria, 226


Bartolomeo Miniatore
Cristiano Amendola (ed)
University of Basilicata


Ars epistolandi, Ars dictaminis, Epistolography


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Series: Digital Humanities, 7

Pages: 206

Language: Old Vernacular Italian

Published: 2022

ISBN: 978-88-31309-15-8


Abstract: The ms. 226 of the Biblioteca Universitaria of Bologna transmits a collection of petitions and letters of grace in ancient Italian vernacular gathered in the second half of the fifteenth century by Bartolomeo di Benincà from Ferrara for the lord of Faenza Astorre II Manfredi. Within an antiquarian context that involves both the creation of the manuscript and the content level, the Formulario sets up a refined strategy for constructing the image of Manfredi, offering a representation of the lord in the guise of the wise and eloquent prince of antiquity, who manages with magnanimity and fairness the justice in the small town community placed under his dominion. A critical and digital edition of the Formulario for Astorre II Manfredi is offered here.


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Author Biography

Cristiano Amendola (ed), University of Basilicata

Cristiano Amendola earned a PhD  at Università della Basilicata in 2022. He holds a BA in Modern Literature and an MA in Italian philology from Federico II University of Naples. In 2018 he received also a PhD degree at Liège University. He was  digital fellow for Early Modern Letters Online, the database of the Cultures of Knowledge project (Oxford University), digital editor of Giorgio Vasari’s correspondence for the EpistolART project (Université de Liège) and associate research fellow on the SKILLNET project (Utrecht University).




2022, June 27

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ISBN-13 (15)


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ISBN-13 (15)
