God, obscurity and talent. The novellas about «cose catoliche» of the "Decameron"


Boccaccio, Decameron, Middle age, Holiness, Religion


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Series: Mediterranean Worlds, 9

Pages: VIII, 207

Language: Italian

Published: 2023

ISBN: 978-88-31309-22-6



Abstract: This work offers a reading of the novellas of the series about «cose catoliche» (catholic matters), six stories, connected by the common theological topic, dealing with the set of problems about religious ethics in a comical stylistic realisation.

Boccaccio develops a coherent theological reflection, culminating in a paradoxical exaltation of human talent as powerful medium between man and God and caring about religious and literary auctoritates, the theological debate and religious habits of his age; among the most interesting topics, there are the laic sanctitas, the devotional practices regarding canonical or popular saints, the ways in which God shows miracles to worshippers, the godly recognition for human operations.

In this series, Boccaccio not only parodies holy popular literature, but also cares about the most important themes debated in theological and literary works, their connection with moral philosophy and concrete human behaviors.


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Author Biography

Lelio Camassa

Lelio Camassa is Ph. D. at Università della Basilicata and he teaches Italian and Latin Literature in high schools. His research field includes Italian Medieval Literature, especially Boccaccio and the Decameron, and religious literature, but his studies include the Cinquecento and Italian Contemporary Literature. He is the author of articles on scientific periodicals.

Camassa Cover



2023, August 28

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Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)
