Intellectuals and power in the peripheries of the Kingdom: Academies, courts and cities in southern Italy (13th-18th century)


Cristina Acucella
University of Basilicata
Paolo Conte
University of Basilicata
Teofilo De Angelis
University of Basilicata


Kingdom of Naples, Academies, Local Historiography, Middle age, Modern age, Court Literature


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Series: Mediterranean Worlds, 8

Pages: 184

Language: Italian

Published: 2023

ISBN: 978-88-31309-19-6


Abstract: The volume analyzes the relationship between intellectuals and power between the center and the peripheries of the Kingdom of Naples in the Middle Age and the Modern Age. The investigated theme constitutes a central node for the understanding of literary, historiographical and, more generally, textual productions, especially starting from the birth of the courts, which, as is known, were the primary centers of aggregation of the political-cultural elites. In an interdisciplinary perspective, the various scholars question and reflect on the role that intellectuals have had in southern Italy: contestation or legitimization of political power, or, even, participation in cultural practices more or less closely related to the evolution of government systems and of power. At the geographical level, the investigation focuses on the areas that are usually roughly defined as 'provincial' and among these it pays special attention to the current Basilicata. This collection brings out new developments that complement the results related to the research project DiLiBas and to the ideas offered by the conference Intellettuali e potere, il potere degli intellettuali: produzioni culturali tra centri e periferie del Regno in età tardo medievale e moderna, held on 10 and 11 March 2022 at the University of Basilicata.



Cristina Acucella, Paolo Conte, Teofilo De Angelis, Introduzione: 7

Teofilo De Angelis, La corte di Manfredi nella Historia dello pseudo Iamsilla: 17

Lorenzo Miletti, Umanisti-vescovi nel Regno di Napoli tra Pio II e Ferrante d’Aragona. Il rilancio della cultura classica e dell’antico locale nelle città: 31

Sebastiano Valerio, Il ducato di Bari tra Isabella e Bona: percorsi della cultura aragonese a cavallo tra XV e XVI secolo: 55

Paolo Procaccioli, Girolamo Ruscelli e l’eco di Napoli in una Venezia “periferia” del Regno: 71

Cristina Acucella, Le accademie venosine dei Piacevoli e dei Rinascenti. I testi, il canone e le politiche culturali: 97

Paolo Conte, Da una polemica letteraria a un conflitto politico: la contesa fra Matera ed Acerenza a metà ’600, fra “antimarinismo” e rivendicazioni cittadine: 119

Maria Anna Noto, Identità, genealogia e autorappresentazione delle élites nobiliari di età moderna: le “storie” del lignaggio Acquaviva: 141

Indice dei nomi: 169


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Author Biographies

Cristina Acucella, University of Basilicata

Cristina Acucella is currently a fixed-term researcher at the University of Basilicata, where she works on texts produced in the Kingdom of Naples during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. She took part in two projects of digital humanities (a PRIN about the Orlando Furioso and a ERC about the work of Anton Francesco Doni). In 2017 she earned a PhD in Philology and Italian literature at the University of Florence (international PhD with the Universities of Bonn and Paris-Sorbonne). She won the “Città di Firenze” Research Award and she published a commented edition of Chiara Matraini’s Lettere e Rime (FUP, 2018). Her publications also include the 16th century editions of the Orlando Furioso, Benvenuto Cellini, the dream in Petrarchist literature and various issues related to the Academies and lyric poetry of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. A monograph entitled The Dream of the Beloved in Renaissance opera is about to be published. From Petrarch to Marino (Lucca, Pacini Fazzi, 2022).

Paolo Conte, University of Basilicata

Paolo Conte is Assistant Professor of Early Modern History (RTD/b) at the Department of Human Sciences of the University of Basilicata and is qualified as Professore associato. His interests focus mainly on the local historiography of Southern Italy in the modern age, as well as on the Mediterranean dimension of the revolutionary season. Between 2014 and 2016, he was a post-doctoral fellow at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne for the Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme and the Primoli Foundation, and a research fellow for the University of San Marino between 2017 and 2019. At present he is a member of the editorial board of the scientific journal La Révolution française and a member of the international research project: Revolutions in motion. Circulation of ideas and practices in Euro-Atlantic spaces between 1776 and 1871. His works include the monographs «The greatest evil of mankind». Alexander von Humboldt between the French abolitionists of early ‘800 (Milan, FrancoAngeli, 2021), and Cesare Paribelli. An italian jacobin (1763-1847) (Milan, Guerini and Associati, 2013). He was editor of the journal «La Révolution française» (monographic issue: L’étranger en révolution(s), edited with Mathieu Ferradou and Jeanne-Laure Le Quang, n. 22, 2022) and « Rivista di Storia, Scienze umane e Cultural Heritage» (monographic issue: Ripensare la geopolitica delle rivoluzioni, edited with Pierre Serna, nn. 3-4, 2021).

Teofilo De Angelis, University of Basilicata

Teofilo De Angelis is currently a fixed-term researcher in Medieval and Umanistic Latin Literature (SSD L-Fil-Let/08) at the University of Basilicata and he is qualified as a Professore associato. His main fields of research are medical-scientific production (in particular the balneotherapy genre), rhetoric and the historiographical tradition of southern Italy in the centuries of the late Middle Age. Among the various publications, he edited the critical edition of the VI book of L’Epistolario di Pier della Vigna (2014) and of the De Euboicis aquis of Pietro da Eboli (Edizione nazionale dei testi mediolatini d’Italia - 2019).

Cover Intellettuali e potere



2023, May 12

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ISBN-13 (15)
