DiLiBas-MA: Digital Libraries of Basilicata - Modern Age


Paolo Conte
University of Basilicata


Modern History, Napoleon age, Basilicata, Digital Humanities


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Series: Digital Humanities - DB, 7

Published: 2021

Abstract: DiLiBas-MA (Digital Libraries of Basilicata - Modern Age), Between local histories and political conflicts in the Mediterranean of the Modern age investigates the characteristics of a corpus of transcripts concerning the local histories of the city of Matera, focusing on the role played by Mediterranean circulations. It aims at analysing the contingent political purposes of this works and the human intellectual relations of their authors. Another research track concerns the study of political mobility from the Kingdom of Naples and its consequences in European history.

The work is carried out as part of a larger project (PON AIM 1849024-1, 2019) dedicated to classification, computer indexing and critical edition of sources in Latin and Italian language related to the cities and territory of Basilicata between the late Middle Ages and the Modern Age. It includes also DiLiBas-MELL (Digital Libraries of Basilicata - Medieval Latin Literature), by Teofilo De Angelis, and DiLiBas-MOL (Digital Libraries of Basilicata - Modern Literature), by Cristina Acucella.


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Author Biography

Paolo Conte, University of Basilicata

Paolo Conte is Assistant Professor of Early Modern History (RTD/a) at the Department of Human Sciences of the University of Basilicata and is qualified as Professore associato. His interests focus mainly on the local historiography of Southern Italy in the modern age, as well as on the Mediterranean dimension of the revolutionary season. Between 2014 and 2016, he was a post-doctoral fellow at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne for the Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme and the Primoli Foundation, and a research fellow for the University of San Marino between 2017 and 2019.  At present, he is a member of the editorial board of the scientific journal La Révolution française and a member of the international research project: Revolutions in motion. Circulation of ideas and practices in Euro-Atlantic spaces between 1776 and 1871. His works include the monographs «The greatest evil of mankind». Alexander von Humboldt between the French abolitionists of early ‘800 (Milan, FrancoAngeli, 2021), and Cesare Paribelli. An italian jacobin (1763-1847) (Milan, Guerini and Associati, 2013). He was editor of the journal «La Révolution française» (monographic issue: L’étranger en révolution(s), edited with Mathieu Ferradou and Jeanne-Laure Le Quang, n. 22, 2022) and «Mo.do. Rivista di Storia, Scienze umane e Cultural Heritage» (monographic issue: Ripensare la geopolitica delle rivoluzioni, edited with Pierre Serna, nn. 3-4, 2021)




2019, November 8
