Mediterranean Worlds

10 Titles
 Mediterranean Worlds

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Series: Mediterranean Worlds

ISSN: 2704-7423

Department / PhD Program: Department of Human Sciences; PhD in History, Cultures and Knowledge of Mediterranean Europe from Antiquity to the Contemporary Age.

Contact: Prof. Fulvio Delle Donne.

Topic and Contents of the Book Series: Thanks to its strategic position as a door to the Mediterranean, the South of Italy has developed into an important melting pot of historical, artistic, linguistic, literary and philosophical experiences. This series aims to trace such cultural dynamics and analyse them with scientific rigour. The multifaceted and fertile cultural turmoil that has been a defining mark of both Mediterranean Europe and the South of Italy since antiquity calls for a critical reflection that may unveil new interpretations of the past and a fuller understanding of the present. From a perspective according to which deeper insights can be gained through a more complete understanding of the past and the present, this series will provide opportunities to develop and share innovative strands of research.

This series aims to spread the multifaceted research interests developed both within the PhD program “History, Culture and Knowledge of Mediterranean Europe from Antiquity to Contemporary Age” and at the Department of Humanities of Basilicata University.

Scientific Committee: All the professors of the PHD program “History, Culture and Knowledge of Mediterranean Europe from Antiquity to Contemporary Age” of the Basilicata University are part of the Scientific board.

Board of Directors: Michele Bandini (Univ. Basilicata); Fulvio Delle Donne (Univ. Napoli Federico II); Maurizio Martirano (Univ. Basilicata); Francesco Panarelli (Univ. Basilicata).

International Board: Eugenio Amato (Univ. Nantes); Luciano Canfora (Univ. Bari); Pietro Corrao (Univ. Palermo); Antonino De Francesco (Univ. Milano); Pierre Girard (Univ. Jean Moulin Lyon 3); Benoît Grévin (CNRS-EHESS, Paris); Edoardo Massimilla (Univ. Napoli Federico II). Editorial Committee: PHD students and graduates of the Department of Human Sciences of the University of Basilicata.

Languages: Italian, English, French, German, Spanish.

Peer review process: All books are double blind peer reviewed.

Type of publication: Digital, print on demand, open access.




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Online ISSN 2704-7423