ADAB project aims to catalogue and make accessible audiovisual materials that deal with or have been produced in Basilicata, for the implementation of a digital archive that promotes study and research on the historical, artistic and cultural heritage of the Italian region and allows the sharing of its audiovisual documents with other Italian and foreign universities and research institutes.
The project aims to create an archive that can be as broad and inclusive as possible, and collects both unpublished, not cataloged materials, and materials already published but not yet available on the web, to offer their identification on a single digital platform and allow full accessibility and usability.
More specifically, the project aims to:
- safeguard the original audiovisual documents, avoiding their deterioration and destruction;
- catalog the audiovisual documents in a single database;
- ensure a more extensive usability of the audiovisual documents, reducing the consultation of original documents;
- spread the knowledge of the history of Basilicata and its culture in relation to artistic, literary, social, and economic aspects;
- promote studies and research on Basilicata, in the field of cinema and audiovisual production, in Italy and abroad;
- contribute to the efforts that are made at local, regional and national level for the development of digital archives;
- support the use of audiovisuals as a teaching tool in universities and primary and secondary schools;
- stimulate the participation of citizens and promote full knowledge of the Lucanian territory and its history.
ADAB project is part of the National Operational Programme “Research and Innovation 2014-2020”, relating to the scientific area SSD L-ART/06 (Cinema, photography and television), and concerning the study of the audiovisual heritage of Basilicata.