Updating the MEDALUS-ESA Framework for Worldwide Land Degradation and Desertification Assessment

Many studies have dealt with the assessment of potential and actual desertification risk using composite indices. The Environmentally Sensitive Areas approach, developed within the framework of MEDALUS projects and financed by the European Commission from 1991 to1999, has become one of the most used methodologies to monitor land sensitivity to degradation and desertification all over the world. The output of this procedure is an index (the ESA index) based on 15 key indicators, referring to the soil, climate, vegetation and land management. The main purposes of the ESA framework, as developed in 1996-1999 under the MEDALUS III project (coordinated by Prof. John B. Thornes, Kings College, London), were:

  1. to provide a reference square for analyzing and characterizing the Land Degradation and Desertification processes in the Mediterranean area with ease and efficiency;
  2. to identify the factors of risk and the interrelationships underlying these processes;
  3. to support the application of sustainable policies and management options.

The Global-ESA project

The Global-ESA project is a three-year program (2017-2019) funded by the University of Basilicata and coordinated by Agostino Ferrara that, together with Costas Kosmas, were two of the authors that developed the original ESA methodology in 1999. The project aims to integrate the globally available datasets with the extensive knowledge on local scale desertification processes, as developed over the last 20 years by the ESA methodology applications, into a comprehensive worldwide coherent framework.

Goals of the project

  1. updating the Medalus ESA framework for worldwide level applications (updated layers, updated score/classes system, updated computing algorithm) while maintaining full consistency with the original methodology ;
  2. the worldwide map of Environmentally Sensitive Areas to Land Degradation and Desertification;
  3. the worldwide map of Environmentally Critical Factors as a new outcome of the Medalus methodology
    (That's a huge leap forward in data analizing at almost 'no computing' cost!   You should try it ....) .

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Credits (website content):
© Global-ESA project, 2019 - Agostino Ferrara, Università degli Studi della Basilicata.   http://web.unibas.it/global-esa/

Ferrara, A., Kosmas, C., Salvati, L., Padula, A., Mancino, G., Nolè, A. 2020. Updating the MEDALUS-ESA Framework for Worldwide Land Degradation and Desertification Assessment. Land Degradation & Development  2020; 31: 1593-1607    https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.3559

Last Update: November 2022 by Agostino Ferrara
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