management (WM) represents a cornerstone
in the effort to preserve Mediterranean cities and guarantee a healthy living environment for communities. Municipal WM, which represents a big challenge for
the area, is directly affected by population growth and concentration, urbanization and tourism. The growth limits faced
in the MED cities call for smart,
sustainable, and inclusive urban
development. Moreover, agriculture has become of great interest in finding new answers for how cities can master recent social, economic, and ecological challenges.
project aims to develop a new framework of WM
building a closed loop system of organic waste valorisation integrating decentralised Home
& Community Composting systems
with Urban Agriculture. Innovative results in waste valorisation must lead to a broader approach in terms of sustainability; waste urban planning shall be viable from an environmental/economic perspective but also bearable and equitable from a social/environmental
and social/economic points
of view. These goals can only be achieved by using a people-centred approach, empowering civil society and increasing institutional capacity building.
is based on the participation of a wide range of actors (Waste Agencies, Municipalities and Research
Centres) of 6 different countries,
3 of them EU Mediterranean Countries (Spain, Italy and Greece) and 3
South-East Mediterranean Countries
(Palestine, Jordan and Israel) resulting
in an international partnership that
brings different
backgrounds and expertise and are directly engaged in the local governance processes. Integrated Municipal Solid Waste
Management Plans and pilot initiatives will be implemented at 4 different municipalities (Spain, Italy, Jordan and
Palestine) aiming to (i) reduce food
waste and valorize
1,500-2,000 t organic waste/year, (ii) use the produced
compost in urban agriculture
projects, (iii) create green jobs
through DECOST teams (iv) train
staff of public administrations (v) use IT tools and mobile Apps for citizen science and engagement and (vi) address
municipal sustainability at long-term strategic
Website: enicbcmed.eu/projects/decost